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The Changing Face of IT in the Construction Industry

construction-646465_1920When you think about construction, chances are the first pictures that come to mind are those of workers in hard hats with circular saws and jackhammers, tearing down city skyscrapers and balancing on metal beams. Chances are also that you don’t immediately imagine a foreman sitting down to set up his team’s IT system. However, as computers and cloud networks gain increasing importance for just about every industry, construction teams have established a greater reliance on comprehensive, customized IT systems than you may expect.

If your construction team hasn’t awakened to the benefits of IT by now, here are 3 important reasons why you may want to encourage them to reconsider:


  • Cloud computing offers real-time collaboration abilities. As we’ve discussed before, quality cloud systems allow teams to collaboration on a project at any time, from any location. Though you may not have really thought about it before, construction is one of the most interconnected industries around today, relying on specialists from a variety of paths to get the job done. A cloud computing system allows the team foreman to get in touch with the architect, the supplier, and the inspector at the same time, helping to improve schedules and work quality.
  • A tailored IT plan can help reduce project risk. Especially with the rise of more commercial mixed-use buildings, project deadlines are stressful for any construction team. Now imagine trying to meet those deadlines while waiting on updated drawings and relying on old data. You might still be able to get the job done, but it’ll be difficult. Updating to an IT system that supports cloud computing can help you get the information you need, when you need it, meaning fewer mistakes and corrections in the long run. Additionally, a functioning back office can help you perform critical backups and ensure your data stays safe. You’ll meet those deadlines to the satisfaction of your clients.
  • Just about everything is going digital. From communication to scale models and drawings, you can access just about everything you need for your construction project through digital systems. Take a detailed look at your prototype through digital scale models and drawings. Collaborate with your partners to solve problems. You can even set up Skype or another video chatting system so that remote clients can get a firsthand look at your progress on their construction project. Adopting a digital structure will give you a quicker way to get the job done right.

A comprehensive, tailored IT system is an important component of any business. To get yours set up today, get in touch with Firewall Computer Services at (407) 637-3430 and schedule your free consultation.