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Clouds Are Rolling in: The Rapid Expansion of Cloud Computing

It’s hard to believe that under a decade ago, the world had not yet heard of cloud computing. Cloud Computing This elegant solution to expand storage space and host contemporary apps and websites in virtual data centers has completely transformed the face of IT, giving companies an extra layer of security when it comes to confidential information storage and allowing them to reach new levels of efficiency in their daily operations.

Recently, Amazon has been in the news after revealing the magnitude of their cloud computing operation, known as Amazon Web Services, which grew nearly 50 percent in 2014 and brought the company $4.6 billion during the year. With much more growth projected after an extremely successful first quarter in 2015, the e-commerce and online auctioning giant shows only signs of expanding the operation and giving more customers true computing power.

However, the household-name brand isn’t the only one making a killing in the industry. Many other cloud computing services, including Digital Ocean and Aliyun, across the world are demonstrating positive and consistent signs of growth as the industry progresses into new territories. Market research expert Forrester predicts that consumers will spend upwards of $40 billion by the year 2020 with no signs of stopping.

So what does this mean for business owners and their operations? For one thing, it means that cloud computing is rapidly becoming the solution of choice for company leaders in all different industries to help them organize and expand their operations, offering an affordable and eco-friendly system with which to build an internal infrastructure. Additionally, we can expect to see massive amounts of growth and even potentially cooperation between a number of disciplines as innovators find new ways to work in real time with their colleagues and peers.

Truthfully, cloud computing has been one of the most impactful inventions of the past few years. By opening new doors for expansion and infrastructural organization, it has given innumerable companies a potential they may not have previously realized. To learn more about the growth of cloud computing or to discover for yourself what this technology can do for you, contact Firewall Computer Services, call (407) 647-3430 today.